Merger and acquisition (M&A) support

One of the main objectives of any business is increasing its value. Besides organic growth, it can be achieved even faster through mergers and acquisitions. Owing to its interdisciplinary teams, Baker Tilly TPA assists in preparing an enterprise and leading its Management Board and Owners through the complex transaction and post-transaction processes.

We advise on all aspects related to M&A strategy, transaction planning and implementation. Our global presence enables ensuring access to an international contact network, in-depth industry knowledge, as well as local market expertise.

Our goal is to support the client in completing a transaction so as to achieve the highest possible added value, while significantly relieving the Management Board and Owners.

Our services include, in particular:

Comprehensive consulting within merger and acquisition processes (Lead-M&A) for the enterprise buyer, including, among others:

  • Preparing an enterprise for a planned transaction, including, in particular:
    • in-depth analysis of the company culminated with an ‘Exit Readiness’ report, aimed at identifying risks associated with the planned transaction (financial risks, in particular), followed by implementing the recommended changes,
    • defining ‘equity story’ for potential investors,
    • drawing up sales documents (Investment Memo, Teaser, Investor Presentation),
    • EBITDA normalization,
    • identifying potential investors, initiating and conducting discussions with investors aimed at building an adequately competitive process.
  • Consulting at every stage of investor discussions, including, in particular:
    • Identifying potential investors, and drawing their interest to the planned transaction,
    • Comprehensive consulting in the course of negotiating transaction terms at different process stages (after receiving a non-binding bid), general transaction terms (term-sheet), and a sales/investment contract,
    • Due diligence process organization and supervision,
    • Financial structuring of transactions aimed at value maximization,
    • Coordinating the work of other consultants and all involved parties within the process.

In the case of transactions with industry investors, we advise on the development of a joint business plan that enables, among others, estimating synergy outcomes arising from an M&A transaction, and also support the post-acquisition integration process.

Comprehensive consulting on mergers and acquisitions (lead-M&A) for the enterprise buyer, including, in particular:

  • market analyses related to the planned transaction,
  • acquisition target identification, also in foreign markets, with the use of our global network of M&A consultants,
  • interesting target Owners and Management Boards in the potential transaction,
  • consulting in the field of acquiring debt and equity funding for acquisition transactions,
  • consulting during the post-transaction integration process,

In addition, we provide services in fields that may also constitute elements of the M&A process in achieving company restructuring or synergy:

  • associated with business restructuring and reorganization,
  • in the field of strategic financial consulting, related to, among others, quantitative and qualitative business development planning.

In addition to M&A transactions, we offer consulting in raising debt (e.g., bank, private debt, mezzanine) and equity financing from private equity funds investing in minority stakes (so-called ‘growth’),


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